“Rain World re-emerges as one of gaming’s most fearsome and unpredictable beasts, one whose language we can never hope to fully decipher – and is all the more fascinating for it.” – Rock Paper ShotgunĪkupara Games is publishing Rain World: Downpour to Steam, Switch, and PlayStation. Even after playing a dozen hours I feel I’ve barely explored Downpour’s shallows, but come on in the water’s fine, and only a little noodly.” – PC Gamer Now with built-in mod support, the fans who kept Rain World going all these years have a shiny new foundation to build on and plenty of fresh blood to join them. Take control of five new characters with new abilities in this vast, redefined world. Rain World: Downpour is a DLC expansion of Rain World. “Downpour is a monstrously huge package and a new beginning for Rain World. GENRE: Adventure, Action, Simulation, Survival, Open World. With five variants of the species – take advantage of various skills that they possess and explore their own personal tales. Play as The Monk and The Hunter 2 new playable characters corresponding to easier and more aggressive playstyles.

Return to the unwavering wild in Downpour, where you explore new, harsh lands and survive new predators. Slugcats have adapted to the harsh conditions alongside evolved predators! Survive new environmental conditions, dangers and explore uncharted territory. Anyone who enjoys similar fantasy-driven RPGs, such as Afterimage, will likely be impressed with what this expansion pack has in store.Rain World: Downpour is a DLC expansion of Rain World. Offering high-definition graphics alongside a plethora of new in-game features, this bundle represents the next chapter of an unfolding storyline.

Rain World: Downpour should resonate quite well with those who are already fans of the Rain World series. These include an arena mode that presents increasingly difficult challenges and an open-world safari mode that allows users to interact with nearby environments. While traditional 2D exploration is offered, players can now access two additional options. Customization is, therefore, a key aspect of this game.

for example, The Rivulet boasts superior jumping and running skills, while The Artificer can transform itself into different objects. Players will also have to determine which character to use when exploring certain levels. Examples include The Rivulet, The Gourmand and The Artificer. Each offers its own set of skills as well as a unique backstory. Rain World: Downpour has been upgraded so that players can now access five new and unique characters.